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Client Stories 1 May 2024

Mum of three, 48, shares Debt Management Plan (DMP) story

Megan, 48, a mother of three, first contacted PayPlan for support with roughly £22,000 of debt.Having moved to England from Germany, Megan and her now ex-husband paid six months’ rent in advance to move into their flat.“Setting up a life…

Client Stories 20 May 2019

Client Story – Amy

How much debt were you in when you asked PayPlan for help? When I initially called PayPlan to see if they could help me, I was in around £15,000 worth of debt. I said to the person on the phone…

Client Stories 3 Sep 2018

Become debt free – 5 tips from a PayPlan client

Want some motivation this fine Monday morning? Nothing inspires us more than the story of a PayPlan client who successfully became debt free. Alongside our many success stories, these helpful tips and tricks from our previous client, Andy, could help you…

Client Stories 3 May 2018

Case Study – Mike

Mike (50) first came to PayPlan in 2012 with £17,000 of debt. Mike needed to carry out some urgent maintenance on the property where he lived.

Client Stories 15 Mar 2018

Case Study – Diane

Diane (39) reached out to PayPlan for debt help in 2014. Between herself and her husband they found themselves with £45,000 worth of debt. Diane and her partner were applying for adoption. During the process it was explained to them…

Client Stories 6 Mar 2018

Case Study – Katie

Katie (30) reached out to PayPlan when she was 25 years old, and had £12,000 worth of debt. Katie went to university and when she graduated had a student overdraft of £2,000 as well as a credit card. At the…

Client Stories 26 Feb 2018

Case Study – Richard

Richard (38) reached out to PayPlan in 2008 with £15,000 of debt. The company that Richard was working for at the time were unreliable at paying wages. They would sometimes pay employees less one month and more the month after…

Client Stories 15 Feb 2018

Case Study – Scott

Scott (32) came to PayPlan 5 years ago with £6,000 worth of debt. The majority of his debts were with credit cards, payday loans and catalogues. At the time, he was also in a relationship with someone who was constantly…

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