Case Study – Richard
The company that Richard was working for at the time were unreliable at paying wages. They would sometimes pay employees less one month and more the month after to make up for it.
The unreliability of his wages made it difficult to budget and to pay bills.
At the time, he was living in Oxford in rented accommodation. To supplement his income, Richard was relying on credit cards, overdraft and loans, to keep his head above water.
He said: ‘Things spiralled out of control, and I ended up in quite a bad situation really. I was getting loans to pay loans!’
One day, he realised he couldn’t keep the bills mounting and decided to seek help. Richard reached out for help and was signposted PayPlan for regulated debt advice assistance.
He said: ‘You guys [PayPlan] were so helpful! You were great from start to finish’
After talking through his situation and budgets, Richard was recommended a Debt Management Plan (DMP).
Richard made a lot of lifestyle changes including moving back home to live with his parents so that he could save more money and increasing his payment and paying off his DMP more quickly.
Richard completed his plan with us on Friday 9th February 2018! Congratulations Richard.
He said: ‘It was absolutely wonderful – pressing that button and making the final payment was a weight off my shoulders!’ He now plans to save up for a house and move out of his parents, and perhaps save for a holiday.
Speaking to him, he said that he was made redundant 2 weeks ago. However, he was only out of work for just over 1 week before he successfully found another one.
Richard is now debt free and he has a new job – a new start. We wish him all the best!
If you, or someone you know is in a similar situation to Richard, then get in touch with one of PayPlan’s qualified advisers today on 0800 716 239 or visit
This article was checked and deemed to be correct as at the above publication date, but please be aware that some things may have changed between then and now. So please don't rely on any of this information as a statement of fact, especially if the article was published some time ago.